Anesthesia and Pain management offers free consultancy services.

In this section you will find the physicians contact information who have decided to work with this ambitious project. The consultancy can be patient to doctor or doctor to doctor.



Consultants list

With the idea to help in your possible doubts, Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine offers an initial list of colleagues interested in sharing their knowledge in the form of consulting via e-mail. This listing involves experienced colleagues and colleagues who are only beginning but with a great desire to succeed and enough knowledge to be consulted.


Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Enrique Hernández Cortez, M.D.

Pediatric Anesthesia

Head, Department of Anesthesiology
León Guanajuato

Dra. Argelia Lara Solares
Argelia Lara Solares, M.D.

Pain and Palliative Care

Jefe de la Clínica del Dolor
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición “Salvador Zubirán
Cd. de México.

Dra. Cecilia Sandoval-Larios
Cecilia Sandoval Larios, M.D.

cardiovascular anesthesia

Chief of Anesthesiology
Hospital Ángeles León
León Guanajuato, México

Dr. Paúl Tejada-Pérez
Paúl Tejada Pérez, M.D.

Anesthesia in obstetrics

Profesor Instructor Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Servicio de Anestesiología
Hospital Universitario de Caracas.
Caracas, Venezuela

Dr. Alberto Vázquez-Lomas
Alberto Vázquez-Lomas, M.D.

Ultrasound guided regional anesthesia

Hospital Raúl A Carrillo, SSA
San José del Cabo, BCS

Dr. Victor Whizar Lugo
Victor M. Whizar Lugo, M.D.

Internal Medicine, Intensive Care, Anaesthesiology and Pain

Founding Director of SPAD
Tijuana B.C. México